Agile Transformation

“Successful change can only come about in an environment where the will to create and the possibility to create meet and where there is an honest and appreciative way of dealing with each other.


Regular planning and evaluation meetings, iterative way of working with the customer

Target audience

Implementation teams in operational change processes

Goal setting

Creating and strengthening a productive mistake and learning culture

Establishment of agile work methods

Realistic transfer of the changes to everyday business

Using the knowledge of the organisation (grassroots initiatives)


What is the goal of transformation? Where do we want to go? What do we want to get away from?

What routines - integrated into daily business - make sense, so that in the change process commitment and continuity is lived?

How is trying out, learning together and adapting established?

What practiced mistake and learning culture already exists in the company? Which one is needed to enable iterative development?

WHO or WHAT are the levers to enable agile change and further development?


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Experiencing an agile way of working through common goals and activities. Making teams better and better. Optimising cross-functional cooperation.

I live New Work. Therefore I like to use Social Collaboration Tools with my customers, e.g. Trello, Mentimeter as well as Miro.

Further fields of service

Further fields of service

Interested in trying out something new?
We look forward to talking to you.

Agile Methoden

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